Special Herbal Inhaler

Indications : Frontal Headache due to stuffy Nose, Nasal Congestion, Migraine. Sneezing and Running Nose, Profuse Coryza.

The Enduring Tradition of
Unmatched Purity

St. George’s Homoeopathy

Improving India’s Immunity Since 1945

77 Years of Service →

St George’s Homoeopathy, Mangaluru was founded in 1945 by Dr. Joseph Zacharias & Dr. Mary Zacharias. Their work over the past 77 years has given the people of Mangaluru the opportunity to enjoy the healing power of Homoeopathy Medicine. 

St. George’s Homoeopathy began with the vision 77 years ago, and the same vision & legacy is being carried on by Dr. Abraham Zacharias & Dr. Sophia Zacharias


“The Physician’s highest calling, his only calling is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed.”

– Late Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Our History

St George’s Homoeopathy began in 1945 and has grown to become a name that is trusted by many.
Learn More about how it all began


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Acidity occurs when the gastric glands produce a large amount of acid, more than what is needed for the digestion process. This condition is characterized by a burning sensation just above the stomach, or right below the breastbone.



Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance — such as pollen, bee venom or pet dander — or a food that doesn’t cause a reaction in most people.

Children Problems

Children Problems

Children are affected with a lot of diseases.  Some of them are Allergies, Skin infections, Conjunctivitis, Diarrhea, Headache, Stomach Ache, Bronchitis, Sore throat



Constipation is a condition in which you may have fewer than three bowel movements a week; stools that are hard, dry, or lumpy; stools that are difficult or painful to pass; or a feeling that not all stool has passed.

Cough Cold & Coryza

Cough Cold & Coryza

The most frequent symptoms of the common cold are nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sneezing, sore throat, general malaise and cough. Hoarseness, loss of taste and smell, mild burning of the eyes and more may occur.

Understanding Homoeopathy →

Read Our Articles on Homeopathy

How Homoeopathy Works

How Homoeopathy Works

Homoeopathy is based on nature’s law of cure namely “Similia similibus” means “Like cures like.” Unlike modern system of healing, Homoeopathy...