Understanding Homoeopathy

How Homoeopathy Works

How Homoeopathy Works

Homoeopathy is based on nature’s law of cure namely “Similia similibus” means “Like cures like.” Unlike modern system of healing, Homoeopathy...

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Methods of Preparing Homoeopathic Remedies Homoeopathic remedies are prepared in two ways: 1. The original substance is mixed in alcohol, stored for...

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Bach Flowers

Bach Flowers

Bach flower remedies were discovered by Dr. Bach, homoeopath and consultant. He dedicated his life to discover 38 wild flower remedies. The Bach...

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Attacks on Homeopathy

Attacks on Homeopathy

After the ever increasing attacks on alternative medicine in the media and in particular Homoeopathy, once again Professor Edzard Ernst, the...

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50 Facts about Homoeopathy

50 Facts about Homoeopathy

In the last few years there have been many articles in the newspapers attacking Homoeopathy, claiming it contains nothing more than water, ignoring all the positive studies and saying it works through the placebo effect. So I decided to compile a list of facts to counter this criticism and present the salient points as clearly as possible. So far I have come up with 50.

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